counselling wallerIntegrating body mind spirit soul

Mindful Movement

Exploring body sensations and movement can offer a rich dimension to the work.

Our attitudes and states of mind express themselves in the manner in which we hold ourselves, sit, move, contract, tense up, release or relax.

And so I may invite body awareness and simple movement during the session if clients feel comfortable with this and it feels appropriate. 

This may be a simple series of Qi Qong movements encouraging mindful presence, breath, expansion, calm, steadiness, balance and well being.

Or, I may invite you to see if a movement, a gesture or posture expresses how you are feeling without need of words. In this way, inviting the body to speak its own mind and find free expression.

Exactly how we work together develops out of discussions between us and always takes account of your presenting issues and needs as well as being guided by my professional judgement.

Some people prefer to remain seated in the chairs throughout the sessions and this is perfectly fine too!

See section on my approach to Integrative Body Psychotherapy to find out more.


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