counselling wallerIntegrating body mind spirit soul


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness means to live and experience each present moment as it comes. 'This moment' is not always easy or pleasant, or the one we would choose to have but nevertheless it is what faces us. 

To practice mindfulness helps us to notice what is happening here and now in the body heart mind , so as to be free to make choices in how we may choose to 'respond', rather than habitually 'react' to the circumstances of our lives - especially the ones that cause us difficulty. Mindfulness is an invaluable tool for learning to live with turbulent emotions and find more steadiness and balance.

We cannot change the fact that we may have suffered a rejection or loss, or be diagnosed with a disease or struggle with pain, but we can learn to notice how we respond to those given circumstances. We may feel angry, or ask 'why me?', or feel panicky and afraid. As we learn to notice and become more aware, we discover that we have the freedom to make alternative choices in our responses which may serve us better. This can be liberating. We can begin to feel less overwhelmed and find more steadiness through life’s ups and downs. We begin to find our 'anchor' in what can feel rough turbulent seas. We can also begin to notice more acceptance, peace and joy in our life as a result.

How Mindfulness can help you

Mindfulness can help relieve anxiety and panic that may arise in stressful situations and help you to notice and see clearly what is going on in your life. Regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in, you can learn to respond to them in a calm and creative manner. 

Mindfulness can hugely enhance the quality of your life and help it feel more meaningful. Many of us spend much of our time focused either on the past or the future, paying very little attention to what is actually happening in the present, here and now. Mindfulness is a way of staying in the moment so we can spend more time aware of ourselves and our surroundings, which can make a significant difference.

Mindfulness can 
help foster acceptance, calm and peace for your heart and mind
help you recover a sense of enjoyment and delight in life despite living with difficulty and pain

enhance appreciation and gratitude
help you see how you get caught up in thoughts and situations, and negativity
help you learn to stand back from your thoughts and find perspective and clarity 
help you feel less overwhelmed and more in control of your life and your happiness

Ongoing practice can provide you with invaluable tools and resources to support your wellbeing. It’s not about trying to forcibly change things, but instead trying to accept the way things are for better or for worse, and then changing your responses. Your life may still contain a lot of difficulty, if you live with pain or illness, for example, but your quality of life can be profoundly transformed. 

This happens through learning to recognise and step away from habitual, often unconscious, reactions to everyday events.  

Mindfulness will not eliminate life's pressures, but it can help you respond to them in a calmer manner that benefits your body heart mind. Many thousands of people who have benefited from the Breathworks approach to mindfulness can testify to that. See Breathworks